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Announce Lists

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> home/products & services/email/announce list Saturday, July 27, 2024    

An announce list is a subscription-based email mailing list used for newsletters or other announcements. Using our powerful Lyris ListManager server, your firm or group can send one e-mail message to a list of hundreds or thousands of subscribers. This message can encourage clients to access your web site for new developments, announce special event notices, or simply convey a message. And because it is a subscription based program, recipients can unsubscribe at any time, avoiding the negative aspects of "spamming". Use an interactive form on your web site to invite visitors to subscribe to your lists, encouraging a constantly growing list of potential members or clients. This service is not for spamming...please read our Acceptable Use Policies.

Email Management
List Demo
About Opt-in
Use Policies
Name Dispute Policy

Order Form(PDF)

  • Web-based member management: Add and delete members via web interface.
  • Control who can join: Make your site open (anyone can join); private (new members must be approved); password-protected (new members must know password to join); or closed (new members are added manually).
  • Failsafe unsubscribing: default message footer contains the member's email address and instructions for unsubscribing. Lyris automatically recognizes the member and unsubscribes them. No more "get me off this list" messages.
  • Automatic bounce and error handling: ListManager quickly identifies invalid addresses and handles them the way you want automatically. Members and administrators never have to see a bad email.
  • Address import and export: Easily import addresses using our special web interface import script, or simply email the list to ListManager for automatic import.
  • Highly configurable: Define exactly who the "From:" and "Reply-To:" are for every message.
  • Send plain text and HTML messages: If you can create it, ListManager can send it. You can even send hyperlinks, attachments, and MIME-encoded documents.
  • Mail merge: Insert the member's name and/or email address into the text of the message. i.e. Dear John Smith
  • Headers and footers: Specify a header or footer to appear in every outgoing message.
  • Ad insertion: Automatically fetch text or HTML ads from major advertising services.
  • Scheduling: Schedule your messages in advance for one-time distribution, or periodically "repeat" messages such as FAQs and other info.
  • Subscriptions: Membership can automatically "expire" after a specified period of time.
  • Insider Posting: Assign a number of people to have permission to post to a group.
  • Archives (optional): Archive announcements which can be read via the web interface.
  • Auditing: Every mail transaction is fully logged. You can obtain positive confirmation of mail delivery (or failure) as well as the time delivered, number of retries, or error message obtained for a given email address.
  • Autoresponders: Automatically reply to incoming emails according to preset rules.
  • Sub-Domains: Use your own domain, ie (extra fee applies).


One time per list setup fee based on number of existing list members.

Number of MembersSetup Fee
2,001 - 10,000$50
10,001 - 50,000$75

Monthly rate: $2 for every 1,000 messages based on a 10k message size. (20k message = $4/1,000, etc.)

Minimum: $20 per month billed quarterly


  • Sub-Domain Capability: $15 per month billed quarterly

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