SelectNet Internet Services

Internet Solutions for the Business Community

Terms & Conditions

Addendum 1

Addendum 2

Addendum 3

Domain Agreements

Acceptable Use Policy

Privacy Policy

Cancellation Policy

Domain Dispute Policy
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Effective Date: January 25, 2002

1. This Transfer of Registrar Agreement applies to any request for SelectNet Internet Services to initiate the process of changing the registrar of record of a domain name. In this Transfer of Registrar Agreement ("Agreement") "you" and "your" refer to the individual requesting the Transfer of Registrar. The terms "we", "us" and "our" refer to SelectNet Internet Services ("SelectNet"). The term "domain name" refers to the domain name identified in The Transfer of Registrar Request.

2. You represent and warrant that: (a) the information provided to SelectNet in connection with your Transfer of Registrar Request is accurate and complete; (b) you are the rightful holder of the registration for the domain name; (c) the registrar of record for the domain name as of the date of this request is the current registrar; (d) you are not in default on any obligations you may owe to the current registrar; (e) you are not the subject of any pending bankruptcy proceedings; (f) you are not party to any dispute resolution proceeding concerning your use or registration of the domain name; (g) you are not in default on any obligations you may owe to SelectNet; (h) the domain name is not the subject of any collection proceedings, including garnishment, attachment, levy or otherwise. The individual submitting this request represents and warrants that he/she is authorized to request a Transfer of Registrar and to apply for registrar services through SelectNet as an OpenSRS (Tucows, Inc.) reseller.

3. You agree to the provisions of the Registration Agreement for the type of domain name being transferred as posted on our Web site ( and modified from time to time.

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