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> home/ support/ email/ email_warnings Sunday, February 9, 2025    

Email Error and Warning Descriptions

You have been refered to this page to assist you with the email error or warning message you have received from a SelectNet mail server. You should be here because you have sent an email as a current customer or have sent an email to a SelectNet customer.

Please view the warning email message and look for a section marked "Transcript of session follows". This section will contain a warning or error message listed in the table below. Find the message in the table listed below and move across to the description for information on what happened to your message and what to do next to correctly send your email message.

If you continue to have problems, or do not see an explanation below that describes and assists you with your email issue, please contact our email support group via email at or via telephone at 760-438-9555.

Error or Warning Description/Solution
"Warning: could not send message for past (X hours or days)" This is a courtesy notice from our mail server indicating your message is still waiting its final delivery. You do not need to do anything. We continue trying to deliver the message the number of days indicated later in the warning notice.
"Message rejected as attachment could contain a virus" or similar "virus" warnings The server on the other end thinks you are trying to send a virus infected file. First, use your favorite (and hopefully most up-to-date) virus checking software and scan the file you are trying to send as an attachment and verify it does not contain a virus. This error can also happen if you are sending an executable (.EXE) file, and will be rejected based on the fact that many viruses are tranmitted via executable files. If you must send this type of file, do scan it for viruses and then rename the attached file, or sending the file as a ZIP archive.
"Invalid user" or
"No such user" or "User unknown" or
"User does not exist"
The user name or login name you have entered is incorrect. Double check the spelling of the username or perhaps the user no longer exists.
"Host unknown" or
"Host not found"
You mistyped the domain portion of the address, or the domain does not exists. Double check with the end user using alternate means to verify their email address.
"Sender denied" Your email is being rejected by the recipient. Double check with the recipient using alternate means to verify their email address and that they are accepting email from you.
"Relaying denied" or
"Relaying prohibited"
You may not send email to another party if you are not our customer, or via other Internet providers if you are not their customer. Double check your mail server settings to make sure you are sending via the correct outgoing SMTP mail server. Enable outgoing authentication if necessary.
"Service unavailable" Your email is not being accepted or the user name or login name you have entered is incorrect (double check the spelling perhaps?) or this user no longer exists.
"Open Relay blocked" You or your provider's mail server is known as an "open relay" mail server. SelectNet and other Internet providers consider such a mail server a security risk and will not accept your email. Please follow the link provided in the warning mail message for additional information on how to secure your mail server, or send this same link to your provider for them to identify and fix this problem. The link is provided in the warning message that sent you to this page.
"Spam blocked" Your email address or your provider's mail server has been reported as a source of unsolicited commercial email (SPAM) via, a SPAM reporting organization. For further information, please follow the link provided in the warning mail message that sent you to this page.

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